Temporary Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California Davis
Posted: 04-May-24
Location: Davis, California
Type: Full-time
Internal Number: 5230417
Temporary Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Position Overview: A reasonable estimate for this position is $66,259 -$86,453.
Temporary positions are anticipated for lecturers in Civil and Environmental Engineering. A list of courses that may be available during 2024-2025 academic years is attached. An updated list is available on the department website at https://cee.engineering.ucdavis.edu. Courses will be conducted in person on the main UC Davis Campus in Davis, CA.
Appointment Date: Several appointments may be made each year. A selected candidate may be assigned only one course in any quarter. Service dates are:
Fall Quarter 2024: September 23, 2024 - December 13, 2024
Winter Quarter 2025: January 3, 2025 - March 21, 2025
Spring Quarter 2025: March 27, 2025 - June 12, 2025
Duties and Responsibilities: Teach one or more lectures and/or laboratory courses in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering during the academic year.
Salary: The posted salary rate range is for an 100% appointment teaching an average of 3 courses per quarter, but the average expected appointment for a Unit 18 Lecturer position may be 25-33% over the course of 1 quarter which is 10-11 weeks.
Example of Courses: An example of courses in Engineering (ENG) and Civil Engineering (ECI) which may be available during 2024 -2025 pending availability of funding include but are not limited to:
ENG 035 - Statics (4 units) - Force systems and equilibrium conditions with emphasis on engineering problems
ECI 130 - Structural Analysis (4 units) - Elastic structural analysis of determinate and indeterminate trusses, beams and frames. Plastic bending and limit analysis.
ECI 132 - Structural Design: Metallic Elements (4 units) - Design of metallic beams, columns, and other members for various types of loading and boundary conditions; design of connections between members; member performance within structural systems.
ECI 149 - Air Pollution (4 units) - Physical and technical aspects of air pollution. Factors that determine local, regional, and global air quality; climate change; and physical and chemical properties of pollutants.
ECI 149L - Air Pollution Lab (1 unit) - Laboratory characterization of air pollutants; data analysis; experimental design.
ECI 171 - Soil Mechanics (4 units) - Soil formations, mass-volume relationships, soil classification, effective stress, soil-water-void relationships, compaction, seepage, capillarity, compressibility, consolidation, strength, states of stress and failure, lateral earth pressures, and slope stability.
ECI 171L - Soil Mechanics Laboratory (1 unit) - Laboratory studies utilizing standard testing methods to determine physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties of soil and demonstration of basic principles of soil behavior.
ECI 173 - Foundation Design (4 units) - Foundation analysis and design, including site characterization, evaluation of shallow and deep foundation alternatives, evaluation of bearing capacity and settlements, design of retaining structures, and case-based design experiences.
ECI 182 - Buildings: Assemblage & Construction Quality Management (4 units) - Materials and methods used in building construction. Assemblage of construction materials in building systems and related effects on productivity, equipment selection and job site layout.
UC Davis is the home of the Aggies — go-getters, change makers and problem solvers who make their mark at one of the top public universities in the United States. Since we first opened in 1908, we’ve been known for standout academics, sustainability and Aggie Pride as well as valuing the Northern California lifestyle. These themes are woven into our 100-plus-year history and our reputation for solving problems related to food, health, the environment and society.Our 5,300-acre campus is in the city of Davis, a vibrant college town of about 68,000 located in Yolo County. The state capital is 20 minutes away, and world-class destinations such as the San Francisco Bay Area, Lake Tahoe and the Napa Valley are within a two-hour drive.